


一、在进入考试预约前先登录IIBA: https://portal.iiba.org/certification ,点击certification;

二、点击 ELIGIBLE TO TAKE EXAM,获得 19 位的 Eligibility ID: 1708***********2059 号,记录下来考试预约时使用。

STEP1:点击登陆 prometric 官网 https://www.prometric.com/iiba/

STEP2:点击 SCHEDULE 之后进入,根据自已所在的国家进行选择



STEP5:继续 NEXT,如是界面,输入从 IIBA 网站上保存下来的 19 位的 Eligibility ID; 姓的前四位,与 IIBA 帐号上填写的必须保持一致,Last name 的前四位.

:点击 Next,最好输入”国家+城市”,点击 Search

STEP7:点击 Next,最好输入”国家+城市”,点击 Search 出现城市所在考场后点击 Schedule; 蓝色的日期是可选择的,点击日期,再选择上下午的具体时间,并选中;


STEP9:再次确认各信息是否正确,考试长度 4 小时。

STEP10:再次确认,预约完成,需要保存 16 位的 confirmation number(s):
885*********7082|IIBA CBAP;万一后期调整考试时间的话需要的。

You will receive an e-mail within 15-minutes containing your appointment confirmation details.Please check your spam folder if you do not receive your confirmation email. Update your email security filters to allow emails from donotreply@prometric.com
The Prometric website, www.prometric.com, is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for you to
reschedule, cancel or confirm your appointment.

1;尽量提前 15-30 分钟到达考场。
2;必须携带 2 张有一二类效证件,证件与预约考试时的名字保持一致。
1. National ID 居民身份证
2. Passport 护 照
3. Military identification 军官证
4. Driver license 驾驶证

1. Register record of resident/citizen 户口本
2. Employee of Foreign Enterprises Identification card 外企雇员证
3. Employee working card with seal on the photograph,foreigner’s residence permit, Hongkong&Macou citizen’s return permit, Hongkong&Macau pass permit, foreigner’s working permit
有公司印章和照片的工作证, 外国人居留证,港澳居民回乡证,往来港澳通行证,外国人工作许可证
4. Student card with seal on the photograph 有学校公章和照片的学生证
5. Valid identification Introduction letter with seal on the paper from company HR department, Police Station, personnel files storage agency, university/institute/school, or government street office, containing the information of Chinese name, English name, the relationship with the letter issuance department, and national ID number, etc.